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So far Yug has created 104 blog entries.

    The Decriminalizing of Marijuana and its Effect on Minors

    Across the Caribbean, there has been a noticeable move towards the decriminalization of possession of small quantities of cannabis, more commonly known as marijuana. Marijuana refers to the dried-up parts of the Cannabis sativa or Cannabis indica plant, which contains the psychoactive (mind-altering) chemical tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and other similar compounds. Bermuda, Jamaica, Antigua and Barbuda, [...]

    The Decriminalizing of Marijuana and its Effect on Minors2021-10-08T11:39:19-04:00

      How to Achieve a Defining Moment in Your Career

      A defining career moment is a point in time that substantially alters the trajectory of one’s career. How does one approach that point in time? What are the steps leading up to that particular moment or series of moments that lead to dramatic career shifts? There are a few actions that can help you [...]

      How to Achieve a Defining Moment in Your Career2021-10-08T04:34:52-04:00

        What Else Can I Do with My Law Degree?

        You may feel your area is inundated with lawyers and that there will be no careers available upon graduation. However, many lawyers do not work at a full-time practice. In fact, some are attached to companies, large corporations, or universities and law schools. Legal training can serve as an excellent base for many other career [...]

        What Else Can I Do with My Law Degree?2021-09-05T19:00:49-04:00

          The Best Brain Breaks for Your Workday

          We have all had those moments—blankly staring at a piece of paper or a document on our laptop, trying to get our thoughts and ideas down in order to complete our task. However, sometimes the best approach to conquer these mental blocks is to briefly divert our minds to another activity. By doing this, our [...]

          The Best Brain Breaks for Your Workday2021-09-02T15:02:20-04:00

            The People vs. The Death Penalty

            The Court must be satisfied that the offence committed was the “worst of the worst” or “the rarest of the rarest.” Additionally, if the offender has no reasonable prospect of reform, and the object of punishment could not be achieved by any other means, only then should the Court consider imposing the death penalty. Section [...]

            The People vs. The Death Penalty2021-09-02T15:03:55-04:00

              How Professional Development Impacts Your Career

              Professional development is a popular topic these days. We have the available resources to learn new skills with a click of a button. Although most Bar Associations are providing webinars and online trainings, options for legal professionals in the Caribbean to increase their professional or industry knowledge is somewhat limited. But why is professional development [...]

              How Professional Development Impacts Your Career2021-09-03T08:25:39-04:00

                Special Feature: An Interview with Jonathan Bhagan, Chairman of the Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes

                The mission of the Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes (CCASC) is straightforward: Saving lives by preventing sex crimes and empowering victims in the Caribbean through innovation, technology, and collaboration. CCASC is an initiative founded by the Zandoli International Foundation, which is a registered 501 (c) 3 Non-Profit Organization based in North Carolina, in the United [...]

                Special Feature: An Interview with Jonathan Bhagan, Chairman of the Caribbean Committee Against Sex Crimes2021-08-09T23:19:13-04:00

                  Sexual Offences and Minors

                  The United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child is the most rapidly and widely ratified human rights treaty in history, with 194 countries as "State parties." Within the Caribbean region, 15 countries are State parties to the Convention. Article 19 (1) of the Convention provides that “State parties take all appropriate legislative, administrative, [...]

                  Sexual Offences and Minors2021-08-09T23:11:12-04:00

                    A Look at the Presumption of Innocence and the Grant or Denial of Pre-trial Bail for Accused Individuals

                    The Constitution of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas provides its citizens with various indelible rights and protections. Section 20 of the Constitution makes provisions to secure protection from the law,; in particular, Section 20(2)(a) provides that “Every person who is charged with a criminal offence – shall be presumed to be innocent until he is [...]

                    A Look at the Presumption of Innocence and the Grant or Denial of Pre-trial Bail for Accused Individuals
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